Storm Cancellation Policy

Emergency Measures for Cancelling Worship

Worship may need to be cancelled at times due to extreme weather conditions, power outages, or other unforeseen issues with the church building. Using safety of our congregation and staff as the criteria, worship will be cancelled if required.

Should a scenario occur necessitating the cancelation of worship, every attempt will be made to notify those who regularly attend worship, as well as those whose contact information we do not have, through the following protocol:

#1) The closure will be announced on our own answering machine (902) 434-8302.

#2) A congregational e-mail will be sent to all members on our email list.

#3) It will be displayed on the home page of our website.

#4) We will inform CBC radio storm center & Seaside FM.


Emergency Measures for Closing the Office

Should the office need to be closed during regular hours due to weather or illness, the voice mail message will be changed to reflect the closure. Weather permitting, a sign will also be put in the main door.


      We are a congregation of the United Church of Canada, a member of the Worldwide Council of Churches.