Program Team

Christian Development - The Christian Development Committee's work includes planning and support for Christian Education for people of all ages and stages at Woodlawn United Church. As a committee we oversee the Sunday School and a wide variety of opportunities to support people in their faith journey. As a committee we provide leadership for Dinner & Discussions, which facilitate conversions and build relationships over the breaking of bread. We run the congregational picnic. We also provide assistance in different capacities for "Bedlem in Bethlehem" an intergenerational, hands-on way to explore the true meaning of Christmas. We oversee some of the new and exciting ways we are being church in the wider world. This is accomplished through starting a cell of home church, supporting a new initiative of a different way of church through "Open Table", Bible Study, & Congregational Retreats. New members bring new and exciting ways for us to help our congregation live the life of disciples. Please consider sharing your talents with the CD Committee.

Worship - The Worship Team has oversight over the many different parts that need to be coordinated in order to have a meaningful and free flowing worship service here at Woodlawn. ~ Baptisms, Communion, Chancel, Banners, Welcome Team, Music and our Funeral Liaison Team. Our usual meeting time is the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm.

Music - Music is just one way to for the Holy Spirit to speak to others during worship ~ so if you love to sing and praise God through music ~ then please share your gifts and interests with Bob Rushton.

Outreach (always looking for people who would like to be involved) - The East Dartmouth Christian Food Bank operates to help people with food insecurity within its boundaries. It is located in the White Church and open for clients on Thursdays 9 -11 AM as is the phone line (902) 434-5819. People inquiring about volunteering may see Shaureen Tawell on Wednesday and Thursday mornings 8:30 - 10 AM at the Food Bank in the White Heritage Church (on the same property).   *Health card and proof of address are required.   If you need further information (like which food bank services your area) please contact: Feed Nova Scotia 902-457-1900 (Feed NS central registry) or call 902-421-1188 for emergency assistance after hours or on weekends.

Couples Club - We are a social club that meets approximately once a month from September to June. We take turns planning activates and enjoy getting to know each other. Contact Shirley & Barry Zwicker for further information 902-434-8766.

Scouts - The 1st Woodlawn Scout Group is in its 60th year of continuous operation. There are over 120 young people involved in our various groups which include: Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers & Rovers. 

2023 - Scout Report

Time Out For Crafts - Two sessions each year with January 14, 2015 being the start date for this year and then September 16, 2015 as the next session start date. Courses are offered in crochet, knitting, needlework, tole painting, quilting and Bridge.  If you would like more information and/or are able to teach a new craft please contact Dorothy Sams at 902-434-0989.

Coffee House - The Youth Coffee House began 16 years ago to service the Special Needs youth and young adults from ages 16 years and up in our community and surrounding areas with a safe, welcoming and inviting place to socialize and met new friends. We hold the coffee house once a month on a Saturday evening from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. It is usually held on the last Saturday of the month with the exception of the December coffee house which is held mid-month. We hold theme based events such as the Halloween party, Christmas potluck and carol sing, Easter party, 50’s dance and spring ice cream social. There are approximately 30-40 participants each month. The evening consists of games, crafts, music and lots of laughter.


      We are a congregation of the United Church of Canada, a member of the Worldwide Council of Churches.